Geraldton Hockey Association


GHA Pre Season Information 2022

Published Sun 06 Mar 2022


GHA Pre-season Updates

Governance - AGM

  • The AGM date will be announced with sufficient notice once the GHA financials and audit have been completed. This is most likely to be in April.


  • Clubs can rest assured that the GHA has not deviated from its commitment of no fee increases outside of CPI.
  • The GHA does not control Hockey Australia and Hockey WA membership fees which are paid directly by members to the governing body.
  • Information regarding those charges has been sent out by HA/ HWA.


  • With team nominations incoming, clubs are reminded that teams must first field an A grade side prior to reserve grades as a general rule. The GHA must be made aware of any intentions outside of this as soon as possible.

  • The new by-laws are well under way, and have been presented to Clubs, prior to ratification at the AGM.

  • We have received strong junior number registrations. Strong junior numbers are a great indication of the seasons ahead.

Turf Access

  • The Turfs are fully operational, though some minor works are in progress.
  • The turfs are to be accessed only via the stairs from the building.
  • Please do not open turf side gates unless absolutely necessary.
  • The current approved accessway is via the main carpark gates.
  • In the coming week or so the access code to the turf-side gates will be changed.

Club Storage Cubicles

  • Club storage cubicles (for balls, cones, equipment, etc) are now available for use in the Sea container. To register your club's interest, please contact the GHA.

Lights & Sprinklers

  • All lights and sprinklers are operational on both turfs, although some minor maintenance is in progress on sprinklers
  • A new controller box has been installed for the sprinklers, so if not sure on its operation, please enquire.

Busy Bee

  • The GHA intends to run a second busy bee to ready the stadium for the season's start.
  • The previous busy bee was a success, however it was more focused on the Turfs project, and some work has emerged since then that will need doing.
  • Clubs are encouraged to attend to assist in a smooth start to the season. The date is to be confirmed, however will likely be mid-April.

COVID 19 Updates in-line with HWA. Keep informed via Facebook and website.

Thank you

GHA Board of Directors

Files for download
GHA Pre-Season Information


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